31.01. Heat transition in GBV practice: Successful examples of switching to a climate-friendly heating system

31.01. Heat transition in GBV practice: Successful examples of switching to a climate-friendly heating system

Date: 31.01.2024

Time: 09:00 to 16:00

Location: Flemings Conference Hotel, Neubaugürtel 26-28, 1070 Vienna

Price: € 550,00 per Person

Participants will receive an overview of the 12 “factsheets” prepared by the GBV Academy and RENOWAVE.at as part of the association cooperation: representative heating conversions from different regions of Austria, with different starting situations and different solutions (district heating, pellets, heat pumps). This will be accompanied by practical examples of technical, organizational and economic implementation by the project managers from the GBVs, followed by a discussion of their own decarbonization projects in working groups with the experts.

The first part of the seminar will provide an overview of the twelve “factsheets” developed as part of the association’s cooperation with RENOWAVE.at. These are representative examples of heating system conversions from different regions of Austria, with different starting situations (building type, energy source of the heating system, decentralized or centralized) and different solutions (district heating, pellets, heat pump).

In the second part, four examples are presented in detail by the project managers from the GBVs. The practitioners are available to answer detailed questions on technical, organizational and economic implementation. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss open questions and solutions for their own decarbonization projects in working groups with the experts.

Please note that the seminar is exclusively open to employees and supervisory board members of non-profit building associations.

For more information, click here.


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