ACR Institute AEE INTEC nominated for State Prize Patent 2022 with Energy Facade CEPA

ACR Institute AEE INTEC nominated for State Prize Patent 2022 with Energy Facade CEPA

The ACR Institute AEE INTEC, one of the founding institutes of the RENOWAVE.AT cooperative, is nominated for the State Prize Patent 2022 in the category “Best Patent”! This highest state award for inventions and trademarks is presented by the Austrian Patent Office and the Ministry of Climate Protection and shines a spotlight on particularly innovative achievements

The groundbreaking product that convinced the jury is the CEPA energy facade. This innovative technology enables the serial thermal-energetic refurbishment of buildings in just one work step! The prefabricated, energy-active facade elements transform the existing building envelope into an energy storage and heat dissipation system. The technology uses a ventilated curtain wall to thermally activate vertical component masses and achieve optimal heat conduction to interior spaces. By integrating facade-integrated photovoltaics, the facade elements can also function as energy generators.

The CEPA energy facade offers a promising solution to the challenges in the building sector, especially with regard to the legally required CO2 reduction as well as an ecologically, economically and socially compatible implementation. Without this technology, remediation would be much more costly and often impractical.

For more information, click here.


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