Admission to the cooperative

The purpose of our cooperative is the comprehensive economic and idealistic promotion and support and forcing of the visibility of the professional activities of the members in the field of development, planning and implementation of high-quality renovation projects in building construction with the aim of greenhouse gas neutrality of the Austrian building stock.

Find out more in our statutes.

Criteria for the acceptance of new members

  • Innovative activities in the fields of energy-efficient, climate-neutral planning and building or relevant activities in research, training, consulting, networking, communication or advocacy.
  • Co-sponsoring of the independently operating innovation laboratory of the same name, RENOWAVE.AT, which is being established as an Austria-wide contact point for innovations in the renovation sector (BMK/FFG project duration 2022-2026).
  • Willingness to participate or support participation in working groups and advisory boards of the Innovation Lab.
  • Willingness to contribute or support the contribution of services and use cases to the cooperative for the sustainable economic operation of the Innovation Lab.

Admission shall take place on the basis of a written declaration of membership and after payment of the shares. The Supervisory Board decides on admission.

We would be pleased if you are interested in being part of our cooperative. Please send a formless e-mail to

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