Amendment to the European Buildings Directive: political agreement reached in the European Council and European Parliament

Amendment to the European Buildings Directive: political agreement reached in the European Council and European Parliament

Political agreement reached in TRILOG negotiations: Key points of the new regulations

1) Minimum energy efficiency standards:

  • Residential buildings: definition of national target paths to reduce average primary energy consumption by 16% by 2030 and by 20-22% by 2035 (national circumstances regarding the buildings to be renovated and measures can be taken into account)
  • Non-residential buildings:Gradual improvements to minimum energy performance standards
  • Renovation target: renovation of 16% of buildings with the worst energy efficiency by 2030; 26% of buildings with the worst energy efficiency by 2033
  • The national measures must ensure that the average primary energy consumption is reduced by at least 55% in the worst buildings

2) Revision of energy performance certificates based on European specifications and criteria (A G classification with options for A+ buildings, particularly efficient or sustainable buildings)

3) Zero-emission standard for new buildings

  • These are buildings with a very high overall energy efficiency, the remaining energy requirement is covered by renewable energy sources (no emissions from fossil fuels)
  • January 2028: for public buildings
  • January 2030: für all other buildings
  • Specifications for primary energy demand, as proposed in the drafts of the EUK and the EUP, are not mentioned (therefore can be set by the member states)
  • Zero-emission standard for existing buildings is also no longer mentioned!

4) Installation of solar energy systems (photovoltaic and solar thermal) becomes the new standard

  • Solar systems must be gradually installed on public and non-residential buildings from 2027 (where technically, economically and functionally feasible)
  • New buildings must be suitable for solar energy, i.e. suitable for the installation of solar systems on the roof

5) Further renovation priorities:

  • National strategies in the form of building renovation plans for the decarbonization of the building stock (incl. financing, training and recruitment of additional specialists)
  • Gradual phase-out of fossil fuels by2040 must be included (thus ‘phase-out’ of the introduction of national building renovation passports to support gradual renovation through to zero-emission buildings)nd functionally feasible)
  • Establishment of central contact points (one-stop shops)
  • Member states must provide incentives for renovation measures, as well as measures to reduce energy poverty (incl. precautions against evictions for vulnerable households)

6) Promotion of sustainable mobility (provisions on pre-cabling, charging points and bicycle parking spaces)


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