Workshop of in the context of the BauZ – Congress 2023 under the motto: Less. But make more of it!
In a 1,5h – workshop, innovative, technical and scalable solutions will be presented first, based on different building typologies in multi-storey residential buildings, which have already been implemented in practice to make the heating system independent of fossil fuels. Subsequently, the thermal envelope of the buildings, respectively the serial refurbishment as a possibility to bring them up to scratch quickly and efficiently will be discussed on the basis of a real laboratory visit in Germany. Finally, current grants to help get our buildings climate ready will be presented.
Date: Thursday, 30.03.2023
Time: 14:00 till 15:30
Location: TU Vienna, Campus Getreidemarkt, Building BA, (Plus-Energy office tower); Room BA 10A
Management: Jens Leibold / RENOWAVE.AT
Journey through Austria – in search of suitable solutions to make the switch from fossil fuels to district heating or renewable energy supply.
Renovation solution approaches for different building typologies of multi-storey residential buildings are presented, which were collected from non-profit property developers from all over Austria on behalf of GBV. (Speaker: Jens Leibold)
Serial refurbishment- game changer and refurbishment turbo in the age of skilled labor shortage?
Current impressions and “lessons learned” from the RENOWAVE.AT excursion to Germany to the Energiesprong reallab in mid-March 2023. (Lecturers: Constance Weiser and Jens Leibold)
Current subsidies for refurbishment: Federal and provincial subsidies for thermal refurbishment and heating system replacement in multi-storey residential buildings – an overview (speaker: Christina Böckl)
Participation in the workshop is free of charge. For organizational reasons we ask you to register via the RENOWAVE.AT – Homepage.
In cooperation with gbv-Verband and GBV-Akadmie. (The detailed contents of this workshop are offered by the GBV Academy in a one-day seminar – more information at
More information about the BauZ – Congress and the program for 29. and March 30, 2023 can be found here.