RENOWAVE.AT eG is the supporting organisation of the innovation laboratory of the same name and a registered cooperative that anyone from the field of rehabilitation can join.
RENOWAVE.AT welcomes anyone who wants to actively work for a climate-neutral building stock. We ensure that our members have a regular, constructive exchange with each other. We join forces in a guided exchange to make refurbishments more efficient, faster and cheaper. This creates a knowledge advantage and competitive edge in the market.
We are as concerned with climate protection and innovations in the social, technological and organisational fields as we are with an appreciative approach to our architectural heritage.
Become part of our innovative community and get actively involved with us!
Become a cooperative member or supporter:
You can find more information about joining the cooperative here.
Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbH, GrünStattGrau GmbH, AEE – Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien, ARCH+MORE ZT GmbH, Energieinstitut Vorarlberg, FH Technikum Wien, IBR&I Institute of Building Research & Innovation ZT GmbH, IIBW Institut für Immobilien, Bauen und Wohnen GmbH, pulswerk GmbH, ÖGNB, Schöberl&Pöll GmbH, WH consulting engineers e.U., wohnbund:consult, 17&4 Organisationsberatung GmbH, baubook, FH Salzburg, Universität Innsbruck, TU Wien – bi.wwb, Biller Architektur und Baumanagement ZT GmbH, Spektrum Bauphysik&Bauökologie, Verein Innovative Gebäude
We are a member of the Auditing Association Rückenwind.
City of the Future is a research and technology programme of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection BMK. It is run on behalf of the BMK by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency together with Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH and the Austrian Society for Environment and Technology ÖGUT.
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