
Live today in existing buildings: Climate-ready together

The aim of the project is to explore transferrable refurbishment concepts as substantial preparatory work for the implementation of climate-fit refurbishments in Vienna. The building ensembles examined for this come from social housing of different construction periods with different socio-economic framework conditions. In-depth refurbishment packages are developed, which are optimized in the real building ensembles for climate-fit overall solutions that are likely to be implemented. The focus of the concept development is on achieving climate neutrality by 2040 for the City of Vienna and the federal government (“climate-ready renovation”), the feasibility with existing users, the exchange with urban stakeholders, and the replicability of the approach.

Program / Call for Proposals:

ENERGIE DER ZUKUNFT, SdZ, SdZ 9. 2021 call

Type of project:

exploratory project

Project Duration:

01.01.2023 – 30.04.

Project Management:



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