New FFG funding program “Expedition Future”

New FFG funding program "Expedition Future"

With the new funding program “Expedition Zukunft”, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FGG) invites you to shape a future worth living together. They are looking for groundbreaking innovations that bring about positive changes in markets, technologies and societies.

Disruptive and radical innovations can be assigned to one of the following dimensions:

  • The innovation aims to disrupt markets, e.g. by creating new markets and/or displacing market players.
  • The innovation aims to solve complex social, environmental or economic problems that are transregional, serious and affect many people.
  • The innovation aims at a large and radical technological leap and is associated with very high technological challenges.

The decisive factor is that the funded innovations and the resulting products, services and processes noticeably and sustainably improve the lives of all people and thus have a lasting positive impact in social, ecological or economic terms.

The funding pool consists of four different calls:

  • Expedition Zukunft – Start: Promotion of preparatory work
  • Expedition Zukunft – Innovation: Promotion of innovation processes
  • Expedition Zukunft – Wissenschaft: Promotion of industrial research cooperation projects
  • Expedition Zukunft – Challenge: Promotion of new solutions and collaboration among interdisciplinary teams

Each subarea focuses on specific aspects of the innovation process and offers specific funding opportunities. The FFG supports innovators during the process with central contact persons who guide them through the Austrian and European innovation system and provide access to networks. It also offers targeted expertise and knowledge transfer, depending on the phase of the innovation process.

All details about the call can be found here.


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