Project “Kauergasse 2” – Austria’s first implemented system for innovative graywater recycling

Project “Kauergasse 2” - Austria's first implemented system for innovative graywater recycling

The “Kauergasse 2” project is part of the “Queen Gudrun II” research project funded by the Climate and Energy Fund as part of its Smart City initiative. The core of the project is the greening of the roof and façade of the 130-year-old building and, above all, the use of a so-called gray water system: heat is recovered from contaminated wastewater for hot water and used for toilet flushing and irrigation as well as for room cooling.

In addition, timber construction was used to build an attic and a PV system with 17 kWp was installed. The energy supply for the entire building was converted from decentralized gas boilers to district heating. The project was led by Helmut Schöberl, Managing Director of Schöberl & Pöll GmbH and member of the RENOWAVE.AT cooperative.

With the exception of Mariahilfer Strasse 182 and Eberlgasse 3, Kauergasse 2 is only the third Gründerzeit building in Vienna to be renovated to the EnerPHit standard and is the only project to use an innovative greywater system.

For more information, click here.


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