EU-Life Projekt RENOINVEST - Roundtables enhancing smart investments in sustainable renovation of buildings
The aim of the EU-LIFE project “RENOINVEST – Roundtables enhancing smart investments in sustainable renovation of buildings” is to bring together all relevant stakeholders from the financial sector, the real estate and construction industry and politics in working groups and, above all, national roundtables to discuss urgently needed financing solutions for the climate-neutral renovation of our building stock and to jointly find feasible solutions by 2030.
In Austria, the project will build on the results of the two national round tables already held on the topic of “Financing energy efficiency and decarbonization in the building sector” (SEI forums for short). Together with the partners from Hungary and Slovenia, a transnational exchange is also planned in the form of supra-regional round tables and networking events. In addition, there are two “pilot cases” per country for innovative financing solutions and investments for building refurbishment.
At the end of the project, there will be national action plans for the three participating countries with proposed solutions for financing sustainable building and neighborhood renovations and a collection of best-practice examples that have already been implemented.
The first national round table with a focus on “Financing for phased and serial refurbishment” is expected to take place in April 2024.
Project contact for those interested in the project and for participation in the national round tables and working groups: Christina Böckl; e-mail:; Mobile: +43 664 4279647
Project homepage: