12.10. Work group 61 “Serial energy refurbishment according to Passive House principles”.

12.10. Work group 61 "Serial energy refurbishment according to Passive House principles".

The majority of existing residential buildings in Hesse have not been or have only been partially renovated in terms of energy efficiency. But precisely existing buildings have great potential for reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The aim of the serial refurbishment concept is to realize high-quality energy refurbishments in a shorter construction time through standardized procedures and solution approaches, as well as a high degree of prefabrication.

During the event, concepts of serial refurbishment with passive house component qualities (e.g. EnerPHit) will be presented. In particular, the focus will be on highly insulated and air-tight components for the building envelope and solutions for building services engineering, including ventilation with heat recovery. In addition, quality criteria for serial refurbishment with passive house components are being developed. Recommendations for a performance review based on minimal monitoring will be developed for the operational phase.

When: October 12, 2023

Where: Darmstadt

For more information, click here.


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