ACR Institute AEE INTEC nominated for State Prize Patent 2022 with Energy Facade CEPA

The ACR Institute AEE INTEC, one of the founding institutes of the RENOWAVE.AT cooperative, is nominated for the State Prize Patent 2022 in the category “Best Patent”! This highest state award for inventions and trademarks is presented by the Austrian Patent Office and the Ministry of Climate Protection and shines a spotlight on particularly innovative achievements

Project Reallabor Gebäude – For climate-neutral, needs-oriented and affordable housing

AEE INTEC, one of the founding institutes of the RENOWAVE.AT cooperative, launched the “Reallabor Gebäude” project together with the Österreichische Wohnbaugenossenschaft (ÖWG) and StadtLABOR Graz. The aim of the project, which started in autumn 2022, is to develop a comprehensive refurbishment concept for a pilot ÖWG property that can subsequently be applied to the entire ÖWG portfolio.

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