Buildings in timber construction – Austrian Timber Initiative

Buildings in timber construction - Austrian Timber Initiative

The “Buildings in timber construction – CO2 bonus” subsidy is a temporary subsidy program of the Austrian federal government and is part of the “Forest Fund” subsidy program.

Applications for funding can be submitted by natural and legal persons, partnerships registered in the commercial register and their associations (associations of persons), each with a branch office in Austria, as well as regional authorities (federal, state and local authorities).

Entries can be submitted from 01.07.2024 to 29.11.2024 at 12:00 noon.

Funding is available for new buildings as well as additions and extensions to multi-storey residential buildings and buildings used for public purposes or for public infrastructure in timber construction with a high proportion of renewable raw materials from sustainable management (“CO2 bonus”).

The funding focus includes new construction as well as additions and extensions to the following types of buildings in timber construction:

1.) the new construction as well as additions and extensions in timber construction of:

– Buildings for public purposes with a net floor area of at least 100 m²

– Buildings for public infrastructure with a net floor area of at least 100 m²

2.) the new construction in timber construction of multi-storey residential buildings with a net floor area of at least 400 m², at least two floors above ground and at least four residential units

3.) the addition and extension in timber construction of residential buildings (such as attic extensions) with at least 200 m² additional net floor area and at least three additional residential units

In the case of additions and extensions, the minimum criteria relate to the new parts of the building created by these additions and extensions. Underground floors or basements do not count towards the net floor area.

Click here for further information on the funding process and special guidelines.


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