Cycling for the energy transition: Passathon 2023 – RACE FOR FUTURE

Cycling for the energy transition: Passathon 2023 - RACE FOR FUTURE

The Passathon 2023 – RACE FOR FUTURE starts on April 7. At the world’s largest outdoor event for climate-friendly building and renovation, 671 climate-friendly buildings in 240 communities demonstrate how the shift from oil and gas to energy efficiency and renewable energy can succeed.

The buildings featured at the Passathon save 252 million kilowatt-hours of primary energy annually through their energy-efficient design and use – equivalent to the gas consumption of 16,800 average households.

Over a period of six months, those interested can explore and experience these best practice examples by bicycle over a total length of about 2,200 kilometers. With the help of the “Österreich radelt App”, they are guided to the desired showpiece and receive all information about it on their cell phone. Participants who visit at least 125 of these buildings will receive a Passathon trophy.

For more information, click here.


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