EU-Life Project RENOINVEST: 1st international roundtable on the “one-stop-shop” approach

EU-Life Project RENOINVEST: 1st international roundtable on the “one-stop-shop” approach

The EU-funded RENOINVEST Consortium has successfully concluded the first international roundtable meeting in Slovenia at Megra Fair on April 18th, 2024. The roundtable emphasized the “one-stop shop” approach, promoting dialogue and collaboration to advance sustainable practices in energy transition and finance within participant countries and the EU.

The RENOINVEST project aims, among other things, to bridge the gap between actions and policy for sustainable finance in the building renovation field and orientate policy and decision-makers and financial actors towards sustainable renovation of buildings by triggering private finance.

The event brought together financial actors, stakeholders, and experts from the building sector representing Hungary, Slovenia, and Austria, with a profound focus on addressing the challenges tied to sustainable renovation and the green transition.

For more information about key highlights and outcomes of the roundtable meeting, comprehensive insights into the discussions, presentations, green financing initiatives, and the one-stop-shop approach, download the full press release here!


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