Innovation exchange with innovation labs on the TIKS RTI funding line
Participants presented their skills and defined ideas for a submission at the idea exchange of the RTI funding program TIKS. Relevant information about the TIKS 2023 funding program and support services provided by and through innovation labs were demonstrated using examples. GRÜNSTATTGRAU presented its expertise on the respective tender priorities
A joint budget of around 14 million euros is available from the BMK and the Climate and Energy Fund in the new call for proposals “Technologies and innovations for the climate-neutral city”; the submission deadline is February 8, 2024.
Innovation labs are regarded as incubators for ideas and projects and this invitation is aimed at all stakeholders involved in research and development issues relating to climate-neutral and resilient neighborhoods and cities.
The call for proposals addresses specific research and development issues and focuses on:
- Technology development for the climate-neutral city
- System integration for the climate-neutral city
- Demonstration of climate-neutral buildings and neighborhoods
- R&D services
The following innovation labs and institutions presented their services during the event, the presentations can be accessed here.
- BMK: TIKS funding line challenges – Hannes Warmuth
- FFG: The current TIKS call for proposals – Dagmar Weigel
- GRÜNSTATTGRAU: Green-blue innovations – GRÜNSTATTGRAU innovation lab – Stefanie Pfattner
- ACT4ENERGY: Digital, renewable energy systems – Act4energy innovation lab – Michael Niederkofler
- GreenEnergyLab – Buildings and energy solutions – GreenEnergyLab innovation lab – Karin Dögl
- Digital Findet Stadt: Digitales Planen, Baune und Betreiben – Innovation Lab Digital findet Stadt – Steffen Robbi
- RENOWAVE.AT: Refurbishment solutions – Innovation Lab RENOWAVE.AT – Christina Böckl
- future.lab: Social innovations and sustainable transformations in urban development – INNOVATIONSWERKSTATT future.lab – Christian Peer
- Urban Innovation Vienna: Geodaten Wien – Urban Innovation Vienna – Marie-Luise Bruckner
For more information, click here.