RENOINVEST – Invitation to Thematic Working Groups

The EU-Life Project RENOINVEST – Roundtables enhancing smart investments in sustainable renovation of buildings aims to boost private and public investments in climate-neutral building and neighborhood renovations and to introduce new innovative financing solutions. The project serves as a successor to the national “Sustainable Energy Investment Forums” from 2022 and 2023, with planned national roundtables. With project partners from Hungary and Slovenia, we will collaborate with stakeholders/experts from the finance and real estate sectors, construction industry, interest groups, and politics over the next two years. We will address challenges and develop solutions through roundtable discussions and smaller working groups (on March 6th, 2024, and March 11th, 2024). An important aspect of the project is also the transnational networking to facilitate exchange and mutual learning, such as 3 international round tables (the first of which will take place on April 18, 2024, in Gornja Radgona (Bad Radkersburg) in Slovenia), networking between national working groups, and a transnational advisory board. The results will be published together with our project partner Wolfgang Amman (IIBW) in national action plans, including best-practice examples for replication. These plans will serve as guidelines for policy and business on how to achieve smart and sustainable renovation financing.

Objectives Workshops and working groups:

Together with experts and stakeholders, existing financing solutions for measures to decarbonize and increase the energy efficiency of our building stock for both the private and public sectors will be analyzed. Improvement suggestions and new innovative solutions will be developed. The aim is to take these topics and the results of the small groups to the large national round tables and to include them in the national action plans.

Experts and stakeholders of the working groups are invited to contribute alternately to all four thematic areas and to participate in transnational networking meetings and national roundtable discussions to facilitate active exchange (many of the meetings are planned to be online or hybrid).

We warmly invite you to become part of our community, to collaborate with you in the form of round tables, workshops, and thematic working groups to find solutions for intelligent, green investments in sustainable renovation projects! We have the best experts at our disposal at international banquets, and we all benefit from this exchange of knowledge. We are starting in March with thematic working groups. You can contribute to several topics.

Thematic Working Group 1: "Step-by-Step Renovation"

The first meeting of the working group will take place online on March 6, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. (together with Working Group 2: Circular Economy & Nature-Based Solutions)

Working Group Moderator: Constance Weiser (

Click here to register.

The goal of the working group for step-by-step renovation is to develop solution proposals for adapting processes, implementation steps, and associated financing and subsidy tools, building upon existing initiatives (e.g., climate-active renovation plans, results from working groups of the IG Life Cycle) and new initiatives (e.g., Energiesprong, serial renovation).

Thematic Working Group 2: "Circular Economy & Nature-based Solutions"

The first meeting of the working group will take place online on March 6, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM (together with Working Group 1: Step-by-Step Renovation).

Working Group Moderator: Susanne Formanek (

Click here to register.

The aim of the working group is to develop the necessary subsidies and legal frameworks for investments in recyclable existing buildings and renovations in line with EU Taxonomy goals such as “climate change mitigation, circular economy, and biodiversity.” The increasingly important role of natural building materials and other nature-based solutions (such as building greening, greywater usage, etc.) for taxonomy-compliant investments/financing should also be considered.

Thematic Working Group 3: "District Heating Networks, Settlements, Neighborhoods & Energy Communities"

The first meeting of the working group will take place online on March 11, 2024, from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM (together with Working Group 4: Energy Monitoring & Visualization).

Working Group Moderator: Jens Leibold (

Click here to register.

Investments in community solutions for providing energy (heat, electricity) for neighborhoods and settlements are crucial elements for future renewable energy supply for our building stock. The goal of the working group is to enhance and unlock the potential of “community solutions” both economically and by removing bureaucratic hurdles.

Thematic Working Group 4: "Energy Monitoring & Visualization"

The first meeting of the working group will take place online on March 11, 2024, from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM (together with Working Group 3: District Heating Networks, Settlements, Neighborhoods & Energy Communities).

AG-Moderation: Christina Böckl (

Click here to register.

Energy-efficient planning of a renovation does not always guarantee an energy-efficient operation. Energy monitoring enables control over promised savings and ongoing consumption optimization in operation. Visualizations help positively influence user behavior and reduce energy costs. The goal of the working group is to demonstrate and develop methods for incorporating achievable energy savings into financing (e.g., energy-saving contracting).

For the organization of the working groups and workshops:

  • 4 thematic working groups – workshops on each topic 3 times per year (2 times online, 1 time in-person)
  • Each workshop consists of 2-3 experts (from the financial sector and construction industry) and at least 2-3 stakeholders from various working groups together.
  • Changing participation in the four topics is possible and encouraged!
  • The organization and moderation of the group are carried out by a staff member of

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