12.12. IBO Werkstattgespräch: Humidity and its impact on Natural fibre materials in retrofit measures

12.12. IBO Werkstattgespräch: Humidity and its impact on Natural fibre materials in retrofit measures

Werkstattgespräch im Rahmen der natureplus European Event Series, ONLINE und in englischer Sprache.

Datum: 12.12.2024

Uhrzeit: 17 Uhr

Ort: Online

Improving the energy efficiency of our housing stock fosters retrofit measures.Taking focus away from low thermal conductivity materials (e.g. PIR) allows us to consider a wider range of retrofit solutions to be utilised, such as natural fibre insulation (NFI). 

Currently, there are obstacles in the use of building materials such as wood fibre materials, hemp, straw, loam, lime, sheep’s wool, etc. among building owners, building authorities, planners and processors. The reasons for this are a lack of information, a lack of specialist knowledge about connections, details and possible combinations, as well as uncertainties about durability and costs.

Florian Teichmann, University Assistant with practical knowledge in building and building physics, presents some astonishing results developed in the natuRebuilt project about the normative necessary surcharge of humidity. 

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