Past events


The 8th WOHNBAU.DIALOG STEIERMARK will take place on 19.06.2023 from 15:00 – 17:00 in the House of Architecture Graz on the topic of “Trend-setting housing forms and construction methods”. The interactive stakeholder workshop will discuss innovative concepts and technologies that enable a sustainable and future-oriented design of housing. Based on keynote speeches by invited experts on the topics of building & technology concepts, resource-efficient living and serial refurbishment, the contents will be discussed and deepened in moderated topic tables with their challenges and approaches to solutions.

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31.05. Planerforum Architektur

You can expect exciting presentations on decarbonizing existing buildings, the latest developments in climate-adapted and sustainable design, outstanding architectural examples and discussions on the future of building.

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14.06. BIM regulars’ table on the topic of digital building inventory

The ecoplus Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich invites to the 5th BIM Stammtisch on June 14, which is dedicated to the topic of digital building inventory. At the BIM Stammtisch, technology providers and users share their knowledge and experience – from the practical implementation of laser scanning to the generation of a BIM model. In addition, former project partners from cluster projects will show how they have successfully implemented BIM know-how in their own practice.

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