Buildings in timber construction – Austrian Timber Initiative
The “Buildings in timber construction – CO2 bonus” subsidy is a temporary subsidy program of the Austrian federal government and is part of the “Forest Fund” subsidy program.
Recap – 02.05. Green Skills in the Sustainable Building Sector
In collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences – Campus Vienna, the Global Forum On Sustainable Energy (GFSE) held the event “Green Skills in the Sustainable Building Sector”. The event addressed current critical challenges in the field of sustainable building, while offering a distinct opportunity for the keynote speakers to engage in dialogue with the audience.
EU-Life Project RENOINVEST: 1st international roundtable on the “one-stop-shop” approach
The EU-funded RENOINVEST Consortium has successfully concluded the first international roundtable meeting in Slovenia at Megra Fair on April 18th, 2024. The roundtable emphasized the “one-stop shop” approach, promoting dialogue and collaboration to advance sustainable practices in energy transition and finance within participant countries and the EU.
Support service for Citizen-led renovation – open call for participants
The support service for Citizen-led renovation initiative aims to empower energy communities and put citizens in the driving-seat for energy efficiency renovations. It is inviting energy communities to participate in the initiative. Whether they are well-established, newly founded or still in the planning phase, all energy communities can respond to the call for participation, launched on 10 April 2024.
EFA EnergieFakten Austria: New EU guidelines point the way for Austria’s heating market
The comprehensively revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED III), which came into force on November 20, 2023, sets, among other things, higher targets for the share of renewable energy in the gross final energy consumption of the member states by 2030.
Amendment to the European Buildings Directive: political agreement reached in the European Council and European Parliament
The amendment to the European Buildings Directive has led to a political agreement in the European Council and the European Parliament. The most important points of the new regulations are summarized here.
Austrian Standards Award 2024
The Living Standards Award honours innovative solutions, exportable ideas and future technologies to whose success standards have contributed As Austria’s most prestigious award for standardization and innovation, the prize recognizes companies, organizations, research institutions and start-ups that achieve outstanding results with the help of standards.
Innovation exchange with innovation labs on the TIKS RTI funding line
Participants presented their skills and defined ideas for a submission at the idea exchange of the RTI funding program TIKS. Relevant information about the TIKS 2023 funding program and support services from and through innovation labs were shown using examples. GRÜNSTATTGRAU presented its expertise on the respective tendering priorities
New position paper from the Life Cycle Building interest group on the topic of “Roof space utilization”
Under the leadership of GRÜNSTATTGRAU, the position paper for value-added roof space utilization was written – a guide for decision-makers, the real estate industry and municipalities.
The aim of the paper is to provide basic information and data for a value-added-oriented system decision when changing or extending the use of existing and new roof areas.
RENOWAVE welcomes the “Pionierstädte Österreich”
Several cities in Austria are allowed to bear the status of “Pionierstädte”. The BMK supports the necessary capacity and competence development in the cities within the framework of public-public cooperation (ÖÖK) with two million euros per pioneering city. In addition, customized funding formats are being developed in the areas of research, technology and innovation.